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What is Cloud?

The Cloud tab connects Hive devices to Hive cloud services, enabling remote management and media playback control over the internet.

Please contact for hive-cloud pricing.

Cloud Tab configurables
Hive Cloud UsernameEnter your Hive Cloud Username (email address) to link your Hive player to your Hive Cloud account.
Hive Cloud KeyEnter your Hive Cloud Key, a unique token that allows you to remotely control the Hive player through Hive Cloud.
Cloud SynchronisationUse the Cloud Synchronisation dropdown to enable or disable cloud synchronisation. When enabled, your Hive player will sync its settings and media with the Hive Cloud.
Hive Cloud ServerThe Hive Cloud Server box lets users define the cloud server they want to connect to. By default, the server is set to, but custom servers can be purchased through Hive's sales team.

How to set-up Hive cloud on your device.

  1. Navigate to and login to your account.
Cloud Sign-in Page
  1. Once logged in, click the Copy Cloud Key button at the bottom of the page.
Cloud Sign-in Page
  1. After copying the Cloud Key, go to your Hive Player.
Cloud Sign-in Page
  1. Open the Connect page.
Cloud Sign-in Page
  1. Enter your Hive Cloud email as the username and paste the copied Cloud Key.
Cloud Sign-in Page
  1. Set Cloud Synchronization to Enabled, then confirm Yes when prompted to restart the player.
Cloud Sign-in Page
  1. After the player reboots, return to your Hive Cloud tab and click Refresh to display the player.
Cloud Sign-in Page

When the browser has refreshed and the Device is listed, The device is ready to be controled remotly but selecting the open button.

How to remove a device from your account

  1. Power down your Hive Device.
  2. Navigate to your account.
Cloud Disable
  1. Locate the device that needs to be removed and select the remove button, afater selecting remove select yes to confirm.
Hive Cloud remove device