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Dataflow Page

What is Dataflow?

Dataflow is a user-programmable, event-driven system that allows you to create dynamic, automated workflows within the Hive Player environment. By visually constructing a flowchart of interconnected nodes, you can respond to system events, modify parameters, and send control signals both internally within the Hive Player and externally to other devices.

This powerful system enables automation, interactivity, and customisation, making it possible to build responsive behaviours tailored to your specific needs. Whether triggering actions based on media events, processing sensor inputs, or sending network commands. Dataflow provides a flexible and intuitive way to control and extend the functionality of Hive Player.

The Interface is split into three sections;

  • Flowcharts - The Flowcharts section allows you to view and manage all the available flowcharts on the Hive device. Here, you can create, edit, and organise your event-driven workflows. This section provides easy access to existing flowcharts, and you can quickly switch between different flowcharts by selecting the flowchart name. Each flowchart represents a specific set of actions and events that respond to various system triggers.
  • Schema Editor - The Schema editor section is where you visually build and manage the nodes and their connections. This area displays a flowchart interface, allowing you to add nodes, connect them, and configure their properties. The schema editor offers an intuitive, visual representation of how events will trigger actions and how data moves through the system.
Schema Editor
  • Node list - The Node List section provides a complete list of all available nodes that can be used in the schema editor. Nodes are categorised based on their function, including events, actions, conditionals, and modifications.
Node List


NodeEvent TypeNode Description
onStartUpEventEvent triggered when the system starts up
onShutDownEventEvent triggered when the system is shut down.
onLayerFileChangedEventEvent triggered when a layer file is changed
onLayerMediaFileLoopedEventEvent triggered when a media file loops.
onMediaFileUploadedEventEvent triggered when a media file has been uploaded to this hive player.
onPlayListMarkerEventEvent triggered when the playlist hits a marker.
onPlayListRowChangedEventEvent triggered when the playlist advances to the next row.
onTimecodeCueListRowChangedEventEvent triggered when the timecode cue list advances to the next row.
onTimecodeTimeEventEvent triggered when the timecode cue list reaches the specified trigger time.
onWatchFolderNewFileEventEvent triggered when a new file is created in the watch folder.
onWatchFolderNthFileEventEvent triggered when a new file is created in the watch folder. File returned is the nth file in chronological order where n
onSensorValueChangeEventEvent triggered when a value changes on the specified sensor.
onUDPMessageReceivedEventEvent triggered when a UDP message is received
onOSCStringReceivedEventEvent triggered when a OSC string is received.
onOSCValueReceivedEventEvent triggered when a OSC value is received.
onTimerEventEvent triggered on a user defined interval in milliseconds.
ifthenConditionalEvaluates a condition and directs the flow based on whether the condition is true or false. - This node typically connects to different action nodes depending on the result.
modifyStringModificationModify a string.
delaytimeWait for a specified time in milliseconds before passing the input to the output.
Image AdjustNote: requires an internet connection.
aiExtendImageImage AdjustExtend image using Ai out painting.
aiUpScaleImageImage AdjustUpscale image using Ai upscaler.
aiRemoveBackgroundImageImage AdjustRemove Background from image using Ai background removal.
SetLayerParameterActionSet a layer parameter using the input string as the value.
SetMediaRegionFilenameActionSet a media region filename using the input string as the filename.
SetPlaylistRowNumberActionSet the row number of the playlist using the input string as the row number.
SetPlaylistTimeActionSet the time of the playlist playhead using the input string as the time in seconds.
SetPlaylistActiveActionEnable or disable the playlist using the input string to decide whether to enable or disable.
SetTimeCodeCueListActiveActionEnable or disable the timecode cue lst using the input string to decide whether to enable or disable.
SetTimelineTimeActionSet the time of the timeline playhead using the input string as the time in seconds.
SetTimelineActiveActionEnable or disable the timeline using the input string to decide whether to enable or disable.
RunCommandActionRun a command incorporating the input string into the command if required.
SendUDPMessageActionSend a UDP message incorporating the input string into the message if required.
SendOSCValueActionSend an OSC value incorporating the input string as the value if required.
SendOSCStringActionSend an OSC string using the input string as the string.
File operation
Distribute to workersFile operationDistribute file to worker devices.