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The Device page

Device Main Page

The Device page provides a detailed overview of the Hive Player, including its current operational status, hardware specifications, and key performance metrics.

Device Summary

On the left side, you will find the device information bar displaying key statistics about your Hive Player.

Player NameThe name of your Hive Player (e.g., Beeblade 1)
StatusThe status of the device (e.g., OK)
BladeThe type of BeeBlade you are using (e.g., Pluto)
Resolution (X)The width of your video output resolution (e.g., 1920)
Resolution (Y)The height of your video output resolution (e.g., 1080)
Refresh RateThe refresh rate of the video output (e.g., 60 Hz)
StorageThe total storage available (e.g., 3,665 GB)
Available SpaceThe free storage available (e.g., 3,442 GB)
Operating System StorageThe storage used by the OS (e.g., 3442 GB)
FilesNumber of media files stored (e.g., 10 files)
Bee Up TimeThe time since Hive renderer started (e.g., 41.3 min)
NCT Up TimeThe time since the web server started (e.g., 41.8 min)
Bee VMS MemoryThe time since the web server started (e.g., 41.8 min)
Bee RMS MemoryVirtual memory allocated for Hive renderer (e.g., 2,124 MB)
NCT RMS MemoryMemory used by the Hive renderer (e.g., 278 MB)
NCT Heap SizeHeap size of the web server (e.g., 38 MB)
NCT Heap UsedHeap memory used by the web server (e.g., 30 MB)
Serial NumberDevice serial number (e.g., 1426)
Firmware VersionDevice firmware version (e.g., 1.0.310)
PowerDevice power status (e.g., 100%)

Blackout Button

The Blackout Button, located in the top-right corner, allows you to temporarily disable the video output without powering down the device. This feature is useful for quickly blacking out the screen during presentations or maintenance.

Hive Device Finder

The Hive logo, located in the top-left corner, serves as a shortcut to the 'Find Devices' page. By clicking the logo, you can easily discover other Hive Players connected to your network, allowing for quick device management and configuration.

Device Preview

In the center of the page, you’ll find a low-resolution preview of the video output from your Hive Player. You can adjust the quality level using the 'Device Preview' dropdown menu. The available options are: Disabled, Low Quality, Media Quality, and High Quality.

Note that selecting higher quality settings may impact your device’s performance, especially when it is under heavy load.