Play Page
The Play Page serves as the centralised hub for managing all aspects of media playback on Hive Players. With its intuitive interface, users can organise media into playlists, synchronise playback using timecodes, control media live during presentations, and automate playback schedules. The Play Page is designed to provide seamless control and flexibility for any media-driven environment, making it easy to create, manage, and execute media playback sequences.
The Play Page is split into five sections:
Play Page in Queen and Worker Mode
In Queen and Worker Mode, the Play Page operates with distinct control mechanisms for managing synchronised playback across multiple devices. The Queen device holds the primary control for initiating playback, while Worker devices follow the Queen's commands, ensuring synchronised media playback across all devices.
Organise and manage your media files into playlists for sequential or random playback. Playlists are ideal for setting up a media sequence that plays automatically.